In the April 2024 edition of Style Researcher Magazine, we spotlight Akis Zaralis, a visionary photographer whose journey intertwines love, art, and overcoming adversity. Delve into an intimate interview where Zaralis reveals the inspirations and challenges behind his striking work, offering a glimpse into the soul of an artist dedicated to capturing life’s most poignant moments.

What first sparked your interest in your creative field?

I always feel in love. I fall in love with everything that attracts me and get passionate with it. I try to express my feelings and thoughts through music and photography mainly.

What has been the most challenging project or situation in your career, and how did you handle it?

I consider Wedding photography challenging in every aspect. Every customer has different expectations from you so every time you have to give the best of you. You must combine creativity, narrative, storytelling, in a single day , every time with a diversity of people.

How do you relax and unwind from the pressures of your work?

I compose music, I play the guitar or piano. I try to create images when I listen to a song that touches me and then I plan my next project,so as to bring my thoughts to life.

How has your creative process evolved throughout your career?

I struggle with depression since I was 18. The only thing I could say I m greatfull of this situation is that trying to escape from this , I put myself into many forms if art. Reading, drawing, music,dance, photography of course . I see myself more mature year by year, but also darker in my art

As a child, what did you aspire to become, and how does it compare to where you are now?

I wanted to be a musician. I was a member of many bands since my early twenties. Photography was my second love . I guess I m happy where I am now .

Which project in your career do you feel has had the most impact, and why?

It was a project called “ Resurrection ‘’ . After being abandoned by my fiancé in Greece at the end of our summer holiday August 2023, losing my Photography business in Cardiff Wales, and having only my Nikon z5 in my backpack, I was a total wreck. On December 2023 my friends Evi Triantafillou, Elena Silakou, Elina Ntaskagianni, meet me and fill me with psychological support. They believed in me and my work. They advice me to leave the Wedding industry and go back again to portrait photography. The place where I started in 2011. I meet Rebecca Papalitsa. Having a face of an angel she immediately made me think of my first project. I Would call it Resurrection. That was my last chance to get back on my feet again . It was 20th of December 2023. And this was the project that had most impact in me first of all and it represents New Beginnings and Hope.

How does your cultural background influence your personal and professional life?

I come from Greece. Not from an artistic family if I m allowed to say that. I always try when my art allows it to give a touch of my culture in it, especially when I compose music.

Can you describe a milestone in your career that was particularly meaningful to you?

It was 2010. The day one of the most well known fashion photographers in Greece visited my photography class and asked from my teacher/mentor to become his second hand in the industry. I ll never forget this day. This is where everything started for me.

Outside of work, what is a hobby or activity you enjoy that might surprise people?

Always shy to mention it but I have over 1000 poems in my library. I love to write a lot. Especially after midnight.

How have you adapted to changes in your industry over the years?

The industry changes day after day. I believe we should always follow the new ideas ,but at the same time stay loyal to the past and everything our mentors gave to us.

Is there a book or movie that has significantly influenced your personal or professional perspective?

The first movie that always comes to my mind is “The last of the Mohicans” It represents Loyalty,Love, Support, Friendship in the best way in my opinion. In general “Ethos” , to stand for your ethics and beliefs is something that I follow all my life and I will .

What piece of advice would you give to someone starting out in your field?

Follow your instinct, first if all. Fall in love with art in General. Listen but do not adapt . Speak less, act more.

Do you have a personal philosophy or mantra that guides your life and work decisions?

I believe in pure Love,Romance, and good Will. Never do harm, never seen Revenge. Stay silent.

If resources were not a constraint, what would be your dream project?

I would love to built again my dream photography studio. And shoot portraits. I love meeting people, learn their stories and get some of their wisdom.

How do you balance your personal life and needs with your professional responsibilities?

Being self employed is a bless.The fact that I can work or relax when I decide to, I wouldn’t change it for anything in my life .I sit a lot of hours in front of a screen so every day I try to excersize a lot , eat healthy and keep a balance in my life.

Photographer: Akis Zaralis @digitaltaurus84

Makeup Artist: Evi Triantafillou @evitriantafillou_mua

Accessory Designer: Elena Silakou @elenasilakou

Model: Revecca Papalitsa @revi_li

Hair Stylist: Elina Ntaskagianni @elinaglow
