In this editorial, we had the opportunity to interview Tuvana Turkay, an accomplished actress and musician, who shares insights into her career, personal life, and perspective on the entertainment industry. From her upcoming movie project to her thoughts on beauty, relationships, and personal growth, Tuvana provides a glimpse into her world. Join us as we explore the multifaceted life of Tuvana Turkay and gain valuable insights from her experiences.

What period of our life have we reached?

I’m in the period of my life where I’m at my most calm, natural and relaxed. While every period of life is different for me, including day and time zones, I’m now in a period where I know what I want, have started to know myself better, and have a more consistent and determined structure than ever before...

After a few days, the shooting of a new movie will start. Can you tell us a little bit about the theme and the character you will play?

The name of our movie is ‘2. Baskı’. Losing his family in an accident after a traffic accident; The story of a woman who lost her family in an accident because of her traffic mistake. After the death of her mother and father, she falls asleep with amnesia, so she wakes up every morning with a blank memory. My character’s name is Esin. It’s a very funny and moving role. My actor/actress friends are amazing. We became a super team.

When a project is offered to you, what’s effective to accept it?

First of all the reality of the script, the fluidity of the story, the integrity of the story and the character I’m playing and the other characters may have their own stories, their own problems. Also the choice of cast and director. It’s such a tricky subject that it’s all links in the chain. The actor/actress can accept a scenario that he/she finds great with great emotion, but the job can be ruined even in the assembly phase.

What kind of character would you most like to bring to life?

I’ve had the chance to experience almost all characters. Doctor, housewife, angel, devil, a character that won’t be accepted by society’s taboos and characters you’ll love... But the characters I like to play are; traumatic characters. For example, sick people. It’s a lot of fun to play inconsistent characters with a lot of spiritual change. Because no one is as angelic as you think, and no one is as devilish as you think :) These characters are around us, these characters are real...

Writer Jorge Amado said, ‘’Home is a person’s childhood.’’ What kind of child were you, what feeling do you have in the concept of your childhood?

I was a quiet and easy baby. I never made my mother tired. But I had a very active childhood. Lots of bruises on my body, constantly climbing the treetops. I was so clumsy and I always made my mother worry. I was a mischievous person. I wanted to imitate everything. I was funny. I was the mascot of our guests. Home is where only my loved ones are. My mother used to say, “Eyes age. The less your eyes see and feel sad, the less you lose your childhood. I try to see the good and the beautiful.

You graduated from Beykent University; Department of Radio, Television and Cinema. Was acting your childhood dream?

Yes, it was a dream that started at the age of 7. I loved to watch people and imitate them. I was fascinated while watching television. I dreamed of getting into that little box. In my free time I tried to write news and work as an announcer at home. I started acting when I was 9 years old by doing commercials. This story began by wondering if I could be someone other than myself.

While your educational life continued, you started acting at the age of 19. What has such an early career journey brought you?

Actually, I was 9 years old when I went to the set for the first time. Even then I knew where it was going to take me. When I was 17, I went to Gaziantep for my first TV project. I’ve seen a lot of experiences, difficulties and awareness about life. This journey has developed my humanity. My job told me that every day I have to put sand on sand and create a stone. I still have a lot to learn and improve myself. I hope my life is enough for me to grow.

What kind of success target did you have in mind when you first entered the sector? When you look back, where do you see yourself now in this goal?

I didn’t have a goal of success. I’ve always been and will always be happiness oriented. It was just personal satisfaction. I try to prove myself in every job I start. Success for me was proving myself to myself. When I look back, I see that I’m still the same person and that this situation will never change and turn into a ridiculous ambition.

You are very successful as a musician as well as an actor... You both write lyrics and compose. And you are an amazing commentator. Do you have a new album project?

Thank you very much :) Music has been in my life since I was 5 years old. Music has always been in me. I grew up with music, I walked all my paths with music. Later acting came into my life and became my profession. Music has always been my life. Yes, my new works are on the way.

For a woman who is an actress, her career is still very narrow. Not only in our country, but also abroad. Unfortunately, age, marital status and even being a mother affect her career. How do you evaluate an authority with such a narrow view?

We’re a society that wants to watch everything, take care of everything, but criticize everything. Our lynch culture is also very high. There’s a rule that an artist has to be brave and reckless. In this case, the courage of art and the courage of the artist are low, and their possibilities are limited. Because artists don’t think about the art they are going to make, they think about how to behave and what to say to their families. Frankly, we’re not very free. Therefore, the places we can go must be certain, our arena is limited. But it’s not abroad.

What have been your strengths in discovering yourself or drawing your own path? Who is your biggest supporter on your way?

I turn my mistakes into success. I’m shaped by my own mistakes. I explore myself by thinking about what would happen if I made choices I didn’t make. I get my strength only from myself. Sometimes I lose my strength. Then I think it means I’ve got to stop; and take a break. My biggest support is my family.

What’s your distance to the word freedom? What do you define as your freedom and don’t let others have a say when it comes to them?

Freedom is such a hot topic that if I’m restricted even by my loved ones, my endurance is determined. I’m lost. I live for it. I’m very individual. I don’t give anybody a say in my life because it’s my life. I don’t interfere in other people’s lives.

Do you criticize yourself, on which subjects do you criticize yourself the most?

I criticize myself for everything. By the way, I also love myself. Just throwing myself in negativities and making self-criticism in me keeps my hope for humanity. I criticize myself mostly for my decisions. I’m also a person who gets upset after impulsive and sudden outbursts of overstepping boundaries and disrespect. If I can give up this habit, I can become more carefree and emotionless, like a goldfish gliding delicately in an aquarium. That is better.

Do you have any characteristic traits that you can define as your personal boundaries and that you will never compromise when it comes to them?

Yes, there are... My life, my family, my dogs and my job are the subjects I’m most sensitive about. I can’t even stand to talk about those things. I get away from that environment immediately, I get lost.

You are very fit and beautiful. Do you have any special care secrets outside of your genetic code?

My weight has always been between 55-60 for years, I haven’t seen more than that. I don’t do anything special, I know myself. The only meal I eat during the day is enough to eat healthy. I try to be active. If I’m already working, I lose weight because I can’t eat while I’m working, if I eat I feel heavy. Sometimes I even forget to eat during the day, I remember when I feel dizzy.

What do you think about modern aesthetic perception and today’s beauty standards?

If you don’t like yourself, change it and don’t live with this unhappiness. Do you want to look like someone? Be as similar as you can. Everyone’s own body. Everyone decides for himself how he wants to look.

Well, do you follow fashion and how would you describe your style?

I don’t follow fashion. I don’t have time for fashion. I can describe my style as sporty stylish. I dress according to my daily mood. I can go to a shabby place very stylish, to a very stylish place too comfortable. It all depends on what I want.

You have over five million followers on Instagram. In the concept of new fame; brought by digitalization, do these numbers really matter?

Important for people without vision, unimportant for visionaries. Everyone is aware of everyone’s capacity and competence. The numbers are actually unimportant. Fame and notoriety aren’t professions. What’s important is how qualified or unqualified they are.

Everyone defines love in their own way, I want you to tell me the definition of love...

The definition of love is effort, care, respect, compassion and patience. It’s consistency. It’s being able to dance together on all the unstable floors. It’s looking into their eyes with care, as if you were raising a baby. It’s watching with curiosity, as if excited that he/she will speak for the first time. One curiosity that should never end is commitment. The desire to be able to read the essence of the person in front of you is the desire to see and know his childhood.

What’s your definition of an ideal relationship?

This is a very difficult question for me and I cannot give an exact answer. Because it’s about communication between people. It’s not a food recipe, so I don’t have clear definitions. I just dream of endless trust and loyalty like everyone else. A selfless love that both parties agree to and can understand even in silence. A relationship that is understanding and no one forces or coerces anyone.

Why can’t relationships-marriages last anymore, where does the magic break?

Because everyone has a lot of alternatives. People are always looking for the excitement of meeting each other for the first time. Once the excitement is over, it’s very easy to find someone else. The excitement has been disrupted by social media. Marriages, on the other hand, take place with the force of one party in the relationship. The reason for coercion is social norms and the desire to be accepted by some communities. Think of kids who start smoking in high school to make friends. Of course, I’m not talking about the exceptions who really choose each other as life partners. They’re a little old, but they do exist.

How would you spend a day without your set? What do you like to do?

If it’s a single day off, I just sleep. Nobody can separate me from the bed and the blanket. I wake up, eat, go around the house and sleep again. But if it’s not a busy set day and there’s more than one day off, I definitely spend time with my dogs, watch movies and go to places I like to visit. The distance doesn’t matter, I’ll go to a different city and country.

How would you describe your philosophy of life?

Sincere. Small fonts, living in the moment, not written in capital letters...

If I want you to write a note to yourself when you read this interview in the future?

Don’t regret what you’re thinking right now. Keep your heart and and soul kindly. For a beautiful change, continue to improve yourself for permanent maturity without causing your own destruction. Your most beautiful and best state is when you can stay human... Always embrace and love yourself. Because everything will change, u will change too....







MAKE-UP: CÜNEYT SEVEN @cuneytseven





MARMARA SEA @jwmarmarasea

MANAGEMENT: TÜMAY ÖZOKUR @tumayozokurofficial

COVER DRESS: CİHAN NACAR @cihan.nacar @cihannacar


Alptekin Top: An Accomplished Editor and Respected Movie Critic with a Global Outlook
